Buist Electric will be featured on the cover of the 2015 calendar and inside, along with Tuff Turf Molebusters.
Borgman Ford Commercial is proud to announce that Tuff Turf and Buist Electric, two of our commercial customers, are being featured in the 2015 Ford Commercial Truck Calendar! Buist Electric will be featured on the cover and inside along with Tuff Turf. What fantastic representation for the Grand Rapids area.
Out of all Ford’s clients in the nation, these twocompanies from West Michigan made the cut.
Tuff Turf and Buist Electric fit the profile for the calendar with their optimal commercial services and loyalty to Ford.
Jim from Tuff Turf Molebusters thinks that Ford is stacking the deck with great businesses. “With two of us from West Michigan, I think that’s awesome,” he said.
We’re certainly proud to be their transportation partner. Congratulations, Tuff Turf and Buist Electric!