This month, I would like you to picture to a beautiful fall morning where the trees are in full bloom of vibrant colors. You wake up the dropping temperature in your home; you proceed to turn the furnace on and see a red light on the thermostat that indicates there is a problem. Who will you call? Your local heating and cooling specialists.
I’m sure those of you who are heating and cooling specialists receive this call often in the late fall from your customers. Many of you have been in the HVAC business for years and you know the importance of having the right equipment with you on every job. Organizing that equipment on your work vehicle may be just as important as you want to be able to locate the parts and tools with a hassle.
Here at Borgman Ford, we have the personal connections with various upfitters in the Grand Rapids area that can customize bins and racks for any of your vehicles in your fleet. Having the right equipment in the right place makes you confident that the job will be done right the first time and with “efficiency,” just like the furnaces you install.
So, as you prepare to pull out your fall gear for those brisk mornings and brew that morning cup of coffee, remember Borgman Ford Commercial Department is here to help “tune-up” your fleet vehicle, inside and out, so you can be the energy saving specialist for your customers!